
Yout help matters

What we can do all together is (far) more than what we can do alone/by ourselves.

Supporting the Foundation means to give a real help and, mostly, share a common view, a community project, a well-being future for all of us.

You can choose to directly support the Foundation or one of our specific causes and you can make donations through bank transfer or through “five per thousand”/5 x 1000.

Bank Transfer

Remember to specify the project’s name you want to support in the payment description.  If you want to support the Foundation you can state “Foundation Support” in the payment description.

Fondazione Famiglia Tortora
IBAN:  IT 79 U 02008 23907 000105817858
presso UniCredit S.p.A.

5 x 1000

If you want to support us through “five per thousand” you can state the following fiscal code in your tax return:

Fondazione Famiglia Tortora

One foundation, many goals.


Our Foundation plans initiatives that involve the community and contribute to the cultural growth of the territory by the enhancement and protection of the patrimony.

Education and Scientific Research
Education and Scientific Research

Our Foundation contributes to create a favourable environment for the scientific research, the technological transfer and the valorisation of the applied research results.
Moreover, the Foundation supports young people, investing in the education of kids who, for health reasons or because of disadvantaged economic conditions, cannot get a good instruction.

Solidarity and Social Care
Solidarity and Social Care

The Tortora Family Foundation - by the initiatives promoted in the field of social solidarity - contributes to the social cohesion at regional level: the actions aim at fostering prevention and social integration in favour of young people, people in distressed conditions, disabled people, families and the elderly, also acting to fight poverty.